Review – Odds and Ends

DSCN0281Even though it might be an interesting name, I’m not reviewing a place called Odds and Ends.  I just wanted to show you three more pictures of delicacies that we tried in Florida.  A delightful cup of steaming cappuccino was presented at the charming little French restaurant, the Bay Café.  We sat outside right on the water and also had a fantastic meal.DSCN0265

Another time we tried Pepito’s Mexican Restaurant and I ordered a large margarita.  I never dreamed it would be so gigantic!  (Of course I drank it with no trouble.)  The food was wonderful, but it’s the margarita that I’ll never forget.


Unbelievably, we dragged ourselves away from eating occasionally and did some shopping.  There was an excellent shopping center there called Destin Commons and we enjoyed the different stores.  Somehow we found ourselves at the Godiva store.  (I wonder how that happened?)  There were many flavors to select from and we chose well.  Yummy!

True Nosh!
