Tag Archives: author talks

Author Talk in Oconto

DSCN0401My author talk at Farnsworth Public Library on May 8 was well attended and enthusiastic.  I gave the audience a bit of my personal history and then how I came to write Death Nell.  We then had a question and answer session and I found that I have a group of readers that are quite interested in the sequel.  I better get busy.

At the end Kristin, the librarian offered snacks – including Nell’s own “Love on a Chip” dip.  Thanks, Kristin and all who attended.DSCN0394DSCN0406DSCN0405

And Now Starring . . .

Imagine my surprise when I was driving down Main Street today, and  saw my name in big letters in front of the library!  Granted, it wasn’t written in lights, but no one ever told me it would be, so I’m ahead of the game.  I’m giving a talk about my book, Death Nell, at 6:30 on Thursday, May 8th at Farnsworth Library in Oconto..  Hope to see you there!

I couldn’t help myself.  I was so excited I went right home and got my camera.  🙂
